JSD apresenta moção sobre Habitação Jovem ao Congresso do YEPP

O 14º Congresso da Juventude do Partido Popular Europeu (YEPP) começa hoje em Braga. A JSD orgulha-se de receber em Portugal a reunião máxima do YEPP para discutir os desafios das novas gerações na Europa, assim como, eleger os novos órgãos do YEPP para o mandato 2023-2025.

À semelhança do que fizemos no anterior Congresso do YEPP em Bruxelas no ano de 2021, a JSD volta apresentar uma moção com o objetivo de levar a debate junto das juventudes partidárias congéneres da nossa família política europeia temas de interesse das novas gerações em Portugal.

Este ano, a crise na Habitação e as respostas que a JSD tem apresentado na Assembleia da República são o mote da moção que procura dar resposta à gritante falta de habitação que afeta a juventude portuguesa, retardando a sua emancipação, fazendo com que os jovens portugueses sejam hoje os que na Europa saem mais tarde de casa dos pais, em média perto dos 34 anos.

A moção que a JSD apresenta sobre Habitação Jovem é a seguinte:


Putting a spotlight on housing crisis

Presented by Social Democratic Youth (JSD), Portugal

Supported by: NNGG (Spain), GDC (San Marino), ONNED (Greece), NEDISY (Cyprus) and FIG (Italy)


Recognizing that:


– The emancipation of young people, from entering and attending university to leaving their parents’ home, is compromised and threatened by the high costs of the housing market that have been followed in recent years;

– At the beginning of university students encounter enormous difficulties in accessing housing accommodation;

-The increase of housing prices in the private market, it has forced thousands of students to live in highly precarious situations and has excluded many others from entering and attending university, preventing them from accessing the first step of young emancipation;

-The current increase of living costs, mainly to young people, during the transition between academic life and professional life, low wages given to young people are manifestly insufficient to cope with the successive increases in housing costs;

-The increase in interest rates, has also worsened the access to housing credit by young people meaning that young people have to have several thousand euros available for the down payment of their first home, to which the amounts of taxes must be added;

-The disproportion between housing costs and the income of young people, has exacerbated the housing crisis among young people, forcing them to postpone their life projects;


YEPP calls on: 

-The EU to actively promote means to identify, address and mitigate consequences of young people not being able to access their first house;

-The EU to assume a strong commitment of assuring equal and universal access to housing opportunity;

-The creation on an instrument to support the purchase of a first home by young people, allowing banking rules to be reconciled with the necessary and urgent access of young people to their first home;

-The creation of a European response to boost a rental market that boosts access by young students, young workers and young families up to the age of 35, considering all forms of support that facilitate access to renting by young people;

-The Commission to consider the construction of a renewed strategic agenda to tackle the housing crisis in European countries, specifically recognizing the importance of the access of a first permanent home to young people.